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DocHub: Streamlining Document Management, One Edit at a Time!

4.8 (5 reviews)

DocHub is a digital document management platform that allows users to create, edit, and share PDF and Word documents online. Its features include electronic signatures, form filling, and document annotation. It integrates with Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive for seamless document storage and retrieval. DocHub is ideal for businesses seeking a streamlined solution for managing digital paperwork.

General information about Dochub

DocHub is a user-friendly digital platform that allows users to edit, send, and sign PDF documents online. It provides a range of features including text editing, e-signatures, annotation tools, form building, and document merging.

Users can import files from their device or directly from Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. It also offers secure sharing options where users can send documents via email or generate shareable links.

DocHub streamlines document management with its real-time updating and automatic saving feature. It's compatible with all major operating systems and browsers, making it accessible from any device.

The software is available in both free and premium versions, with the latter offering additional features like bulk document exporting and priority support. DocHub is an ideal solution for individuals and businesses seeking a seamless way to manage their digital documents.

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What is Dochub used for?

DocHub is a valuable tool for small businesses looking to optimize their document management. It facilitates collaboration by enabling online editing, sending, and signing of PDFs. For example, a contract can be imported from Google Drive, modified with specific terms, electronically signed, and securely sent via email. Moreover, with automatic backup and real-time updating, changes are saved instantly, thus preventing data loss. Finally, the premium option offers priority support and bulk document export, ideal for periods of high activity.

Dochub features

  • Document Editing

    DocHub allows users to edit PDFs and other document formats directly in the software, including adding text, highlighting, and drawing
  • Document Signing

    It provides a platform for users to sign documents electronically, either by typing, drawing, or uploading signatures.
  • Cloud-Based

    DocHub is a cloud-based software, which means it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and requires no downloads or installations.
  • Integration Capability

    It integrates seamlessly with Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box, allowing users to import documents from these platforms for editing or signing.
  • Security Measures

    DocHub uses SSL encryption to ensure the security of documents and the data stored within them.

5 Dochub reviews

4.8 (5 reviews)
  • James F

    DocHub: Seamless Integration with Google Drive

    I've been using DocHub for a while now and I'm impressed with its seamless integration with Google Drive. It's made managing and editing my documents a breeze

    May 6, 2024

  • Melissa Jones

    DOC Hub: User-Friendly and Effortless

    I've been using DOC hub for about 3 years and find it incredibly easy to use. Despite trying many other PDF 'fill and sign' apps recommended by friends, none compare to this one. Its perfect synchronization with Google Drive greatly simplifies my job as a mother and teacher, especially when signing, saving, and creating various permission forms.

    April 30, 2024

  • Gabriel E

    DocHub: A Game-Changer for Remote Learning

    As an educator, I've been using DocHub to distribute and collect assignments from my students. It's user-friendly and has made remote learning much more manageable

    April 21, 2024

  • Madison

    Love for DocHub

    I find Dochub incredibly convenient and easy to use!

    April 14, 2024

More Dochub's reviews

Dochub: Pros & Cons


  • Ease of Use: DocHub offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy even for beginners to navigate and use
  • Versatility: DocHub supports various file formats and allows users to edit, sign, and share documents with ease
  • Cost-Effective: DocHub offers a free version and its premium version is also relatively affordable, making it a cost-effective solution for document management.


  • Limited Free Version: The free version of DocHub has limited features and capabilities, restricting the number of documents you can manage and sign per month
  • No Offline Access: DocHub does not provide offline access, making it difficult to work on documents without an internet connection
  • Limited Integration: DocHub only integrates with Google Drive and Dropbox, limiting its compatibility with other cloud storage services.

Why is Dochub better than other Document Management software?

Dochub has better positive reviews compared to Google Sheets: 100 vs 96

Dochub is easy to use compared to Google Sheets: 5.0 vs 4.5

Dochub has better positive reviews than DocuSign: 100 vs 97

Dochub is better at ease to use than DocuSign: 5.0 vs 4.5

Dochub has better positive reviews than Signiflow: 100 vs 97

Dochub is better at ease to use than Signiflow: 5.0 vs 4.5

Dochub is a better solution based on percentage of positive reviews than Blueink: 100 vs 99

Dochub has better positive reviews compared to PandaDoc: 100 vs 91

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