2 Best Alternatives to Remotely.works in May 2024

Alternatives & Competitors to Remotely.works

  1. 1. Slack
  2. 2. Workspace one
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Here are competitors or alternatives to Remotely.works and other similar Recruitment software. You need to consider some important factors when choosing a tool like Remotely.works for your business: the main features of each solution, ease of use of user interface, pricing or value for money for instance. Each software has its pros and cons so it's up to you to choose the best alternative to Remotely.works that meets the needs of your small business. To help you compare each app and choose the right solution, we have put together a list of the best competitors of Remotely.works. Discover sofware like Slack and Workspace one.

List of Alternatives to Remotely.works

From Recruitment tools, we have selected the best alternatives to Remotely.works based on reviews for each solution and similarities with Remotely.works. Of course, each solution has its benefits and drawbacks, and its own features but, whether you are a small business, a startup or a large enterprise, you will find the right choice that empowers your projects.

logo slack


Easily collaborate and organize your team's work with Slack; share information and organize your projects.

Slack compared to Remotely.works

Slack has better positive reviews compared to Remotely.works: 95 vs 85

Remotely.works is better at customer service than Slack: 4.6 vs 4.5

Slack pricing plans are more competitive than Remotely.works: 4.6 vs 4.4

Slack has more functions than Remotely.works: 78 vs 52

Slack: Pros & Cons

Accessible anywhere: This software allows employees to connect from many different devices
Customized channels: The tool offers the ability to create public, private, shared or multi-space chat channels
Real-time collaboration: The Slack communication solution is perfect for increasing responsiveness
Limited storage: The storage capacity of files is limited
Read notifications: It is impossible to know if your correspondent has read a sent message
Very limited free plan: The trial price plan has limited functionality

Best features

  • - Channels

  • - Direct messaging

  • - File sharing

  • - Integrations

  • - Search and archiving

  • - Notifications and alerts

  • - Threads

  • - Video and voice calls

Slack pricing


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$7 / user / month


$13 / user / month


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workspace one logo


Workspace ONE is a digital workspace platform developed by VMware. It provides a unified end-user experience, offering secure access to any app on any device. The software integrates access control, application management and multi-platform endpoint management, enabling IT departments to deliver and manage any app on any device with an integrated digital workspace.

Workspace one compared to Remotely.works

Workspace one has better positive reviews than Remotely.works: 100 vs 85

Remotely.works is better at customer support than Workspace one: 4.6 vs 4.0

Remotely.works pricing plans are more competitive than Workspace one: 4.4 vs 4.3

Workspace one has more options than Remotely.works: 136 vs 52

Workspace one: Pros & Cons

Unified Endpoint Management: Workspace ONE allows centralized management of all endpoints including mobile, desktop, and IoT devices
Enhanced Security: It offers robust security features such as data loss prevention and conditional access to protect sensitive business information
Simplified Employee Experience: The software provides a seamless and personalized experience across all devices, making it easier for employees to access the applications and services they need.
High cost: Workspace One is relatively expensive, which could be a barrier for small to medium-sized businesses
Complexity: The software has a steep learning curve and might be difficult for non-technical users to navigate and use effectively
Limited customization: Workspace One does not allow much room for customization, making it less flexible for businesses with unique needs.

Best features

  • - Unified Endpoint Management

  • - Secure Access

  • - Intelligent Automation

  • - Multi-Cloud Support

  • - Data Security

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