Secret Premium

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Only $149/year - cancel anytime

Premium Deals
Average Savings of our Premium Members

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Secret Premium gives you instant access to thousands of savings on all the must-have software and services for startups, small businesses and freelancers.

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What our Premium Members say

Mohamed Heiba
United Arab Emirates
Great Experience. Felt too good to be true.
Jonathan Schockaert
Great experience
Chameli Kuduva
For a bootstrapped startup, Join Secret is a Goldmine of deals!
Alexis Quilichini
Secret was really helpful. Thanks to them we manage to get big discounts on nice tools to launch our start-up. (Hubspot, Microsoft Azure…)
Clement Wan
Highly recommend - very responsive and helpful customer service even when they have to tell you you don't qualify for a deal (but will also helpfully advocate for you with their providers). I have now added several subscriptions for my business because of Secret - reducing the costs of considering new software.
Heidi Briones
Secret is literally the best thing since sliced bread. I recommend it to everyone starting a business. It’s the best kept secret in the startup world.
Thomas Crespin
Really work quick and cost effective for young entrepreneurs
Pieter-Jan Dries
Great offers for startup companies. The value is huge if you are not yet using any of the promoted products.
David Taggart
JoinSecret has been wonderful. They continually bring new and great deals to the site and their current deals are very deep and most are VERY generous. I was able to recoup my membership cost in the first 20 min after signing up. So much useful software and tools to use to help you build your business. JoinSecret is like the software Costco, a complete no brainer fee that you recoup almost immediately. Love it
Varian Chu
Really helpful for startups! Legitimate platform that helps entrepreneurs
Alberto Gonzalez
The first time I heard about Joinsecret was on Indiehackers, from that moment I considered that I would use it for my next startup. When the day came, it was the first service that I subscribed to and it was very worthwhile; not only did I save money with each subscription, but I also found other platforms that have been very useful for my company.
Emily Gregg
This is magic. I've gotten easily a 20x ROI so far!
Atri Roy
Secret is the first tool an Early-Stage startup should pay for. Trust me when I say this, don't even sign up for Google Workspace before you sign up for Secret. Secret has the best deals from all the other tools you will use in your stack. Secret has so many tools listed on their platform that I sometimes search for a tool on Secret to start with. The customer success team is super responsive and I have never had any issues activating any of their deals no matter how big or small the provider is.
Lily-Ann Perrin
Great perks easy to activate lots of references
Kamran Abdul Aziz
Wow, what a service JoinSecret offers. At first, I was skeptical but I gave it a shot. Now a majority of my softwares are either free or discounted heavily. This not helped me get those costly tools in good price but also helped me achieve something which I couldn't if I had to pay in full.
Slavko Zafirovski
Our company was not sure if we were eligible for one of the offers and we consulted their support about it. Not only that we received information about our eligibility but also their awesome team guided us through the entire application process! Great people who can really help a customer.
Mandeep Birdi
Loving it! JoinSecret is great for startups and saves everyone so much in costs during startup stage.
Kirby Bloom
Excellent collection of tools and services made available to help you get off of the ground quickly. I had no idea many of these tools existed but I intend to use quite a few of them in short order. Community and staff that surrounds the platform have all been super responsive and helpful any time I've had a question.
Colin Hirdman
Secret is a wonderful resource for startups and founders. You'll easily save more money than the cost of a membership. Their customer support is also very helpful. Highly recommend!
Vincent Heuschling
Secret helps us build new product and business with it's packages. Secret allows us to accelerate adoption of new tools and ecosystems.
Niels Kammermann
Joinsecret's offers have really helped my clients and I advance in our projects and we couldn't be more grateful.
Christophe Marandat
A must-have platform for all startups.
Alexis Isoard
Excellent customer service. Fast and reliable. Highly recommended

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get with the Premium subscription?

Secret's Premium subscription gives you access to all our current Premium deals as well as all the new Premium deals we add to the marketplace each month. You will also have access to our global community of startups & founders to grow your network. Discover our Premium lifetime subscription also, for uninterrupted access to all of our deals.

Can I cancel anytime?

You can cancel at any time and keep your Premium access to the offers available until your subscription expires.

How many Premium deals do you provide?

There are hundreds of Premium deals available for you to choose from, with more being added each month!

Secret Premium

Save $48,000+/year for only $149/year

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