Teamleader is a cloud-based CRM and project management software tailored for small to medium-sized businesses. It provides contact management, project planning, invoicing, time tracking, and ticketing features. The software integrates with widely-used tools such as Gmail, Outlook, and MailChimp. Teamleader aims to optimize business operations, boost productivity, and strengthen customer relationships.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Teamleader?
  • 04How Teamleader compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Teamleader best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Teamleader Reviews

Pros from reviewers

  • Extensive customization options: The software offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to create a CRM environment that perfectly suits their company's needs, saving significant administration time

  • Easy and quick to use: Teamleader is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy and quick for users to navigate and perform tasks

  • Comprehensive tool for managing clients, projects, tasks, hours, and invoices: Teamleader provides an all-in-one solution for managing various aspects of a business, from clients and contacts to tasks and budgets, including the ability to track time, monitor project progress, and invoice directly from the software

  • Seamless integration with other software: Teamleader offers numerous integrations with other software, simplifying tasks and improving efficiency

  • Excellent support: Teamleader provides excellent customer support, responding positively to feedback and continually working to improve the software based on user needs.

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited reporting and analytics capabilities: Despite its ease of use and customization options, Teamleader's reporting and analytics features are not as robust as they could be, potentially limiting the depth of insights users can gain from their data

  • Limited flexibility and ease of use: Some users find Teamleader to be rigid and not user-friendly, particularly when managing projects and budgets, and its time tracking feature can be time-consuming to use

  • Additional cost for integrations: While Teamleader offers numerous integrations that can simplify tasks, these often come at an additional cost, which can increase the overall expense of using the software

  • Lack of geographical segmentation: For users operating in specific markets, such as the Italian market, Teamleader does not offer the ability to segment prospects by province, which can limit its effectiveness in these regions

  • Inability to upload multiple files at once: Users have reported that they cannot upload multiple files at once for a single customer, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Suitable for SMEs

Cloud-Based System

Comprehensive Features

Real-Time Monitoring

Integration Capabilities

What is Teamleader?

Teamleader is a cloud-based CRM and project management software designed to streamline business operations. It offers features such as contact management, project planning, invoicing, time tracking, and ticketing all in one platform. The software allows users to track leads, manage customer relationships, and monitor project progress in real-time. It also integrates with popular tools like Google Apps, MailChimp, and Dropbox. Suitable for small to midsize businesses in various industries, Teamleader enhances team collaboration, streamlines business processes, and improves customer satisfaction. It allows businesses to focus more on growth and less on administrative tasks.

Who is Teamleader best for according to our reviewers?

  • Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Teamleader is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses due to its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options. It allows businesses to create a CRM environment that suits their specific needs, saving significant administration time daily

  • Project Managers: Teamleader is a comprehensive tool for managing clients, projects, tasks, hours, and invoices. It is particularly beneficial for project managers as it allows them to track time and monitor project progress. However, it lacks flexibility when dealing with retainer contracts and the user interface isn't always user-friendly

  • Freelancers: Teamleader is an excellent app for freelancers as it provides a snapshot of customers and deals, and allows tracking the progress of a project on the timeline. It also enables the creation of personalized templates for offers and contracts. However, it does not allow uploading multiple files at once for a single customer

  • Sales Teams: The CRM system of Teamleader is incredibly user-friendly and provides numerous integrations that simplify tasks, making it a great tool for sales teams. However, it lacks customization and automation options compared to other software like ActiveCampaign

  • Accounting Professionals: Teamleader simplifies invoice issuance and prevents errors, making it a great product for accounting professionals. It integrates seamlessly with accounting systems, speeding up the process. However, it does not provide a method to archive used and expired quotes.

  • Teamleader Reviews


    Teamleader rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    8 Teamleader Reviews

    4.6 (8 reviews)
    • Patrick Williams

      Seamless Integration: Teamleader's Exceptional Capabilities

      The integration capabilities of Teamleader are exceptional. We've been able to seamlessly connect it with our other software tools, creating a unified system that covers all our needs

      May 25, 2024

    • Jesse S

      Teamleader's Impressive Project Management Capabilities

      I've been particularly impressed by the project management capabilities of Teamleader. It allows us to easily assign tasks, monitor progress, and ensure deadlines are met

      May 21, 2024

    • Juan S

      Managing Workflow with Teamleader

      I've found Teamleader to be an excellent tool for managing my team's workflow

      May 11, 2024

    • Carol J

      Streamlined Client Management with Teamleader's CRM Functionality

      Teamleader's CRM functionality has streamlined our client management process, making it easier than ever to keep track of contacts and communications

      May 7, 2024

    • Logan Smith

      Boosting Productivity with Intuitive Interface and Time Tracking Feature

      its intuitive interface and robust features have significantly improved our productivity. The time tracking feature, in particular, has been invaluable in ensuring we stay on schedule

      April 30, 2024

    • Brian A

      Outstanding Support from Teamleader!

      I am extremely satisfied with the excellent support provided by Teamleader software.

      April 23, 2024

    • Keilani D

      Poor Customer Support Experience

      I selected and implemented Team Leader in 2018 after considering various software options. The tool has numerous advantages but also several drawbacks. For example, I operate in the Italian market and there's no feature to segment my prospects by province as the Italian provinces are not incorporated in the system. I brought this issue to the attention of customer service who assured a solution within 3 months. However, the deadline has passed and the issue is still unresolved, which is very disappointing. On the bright side, the software is user-friendly and has an intelligent frontend layout, although the project management feature could be enhanced. The vendor responded to my review, apologized for the delay, and assured me that they have been working hard to include the provinces and improve the project features. They also urged me to contact them if I have any other issues. I received this response in December 2020.

      April 16, 2024

    • Shirley S

      User-Friendly Software

      I found Teamleader to be quick to set up, user-friendly, and accessible from anywhere!

      April 15, 2024

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